Resources & Forms

Hub for current graduate students to access essential forms and resources from the department, the Graduate School, and the university.
- Annual Progress Report
- Ethics:
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC):
IACUC-Related Training for Researchers, Students, Employees and Visiting Researchers - Training for Human Subjects Research via Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC):
- Expectations for graduate education
- Graduate Handbook
- GTA Application due February 1 for following year
- GTA Self Evaluation mid-semester
- GTA Evaluation end of semester
- HNFE Graduate Committee Service Approval download to complete
- Independent Study Form (HNFE 5974)
- Plan of Study Form and Plan of Study Worksheet
- Proposal Completion Form
Graduate School Forms:
- Accelerated Undergraduate/Graduate Degree Program submit to enroll as B.S./M.S. or dual status student
- Application for Degree or Certificate submitted in HokieSpa by the deadline for the semester you wish to defend; see commencement deadlines
- Application for Readmission graduate students who have not been enrolled for more than one year must formally apply
- Application for Simultaneous Degree submit if working toward degree in HNFE and another department
- Change of Committee-Advisor submit to change faculty advisors or committee members
- Change of Degree Level Status submit to change from M.S. to Ph.D.
- Course Justification Request submit for transferred courses taken longer than five years ago
- ETD Formats
- Graduate Course Withdrawal submit if a course withdraw is necessary after the drop/add date (GW shown on transcript)
- Immigration information and request forms everything you need to apply to the Graduate School, get to the U.S. in time for classes to begin, and maintain your student visa status while pursuing your degree
- In-state tuition request
- Leave of absence request
- Name change form
- Plan of Study Change submit for any changes to an approved POS
- Reduced Enrollment form international students should submit during their final semester if enrolling in less than 12 credits
- Request to Admit to Preliminary Exam submit at least two weeks prior to defense
- Request to Admit to Final Exam submit at least two weeks prior to defense
- Start of Semester Defense Exception Request submit by Friday of the third week of classes to apply for SSDE (1 credit)
- Student Resignation/Withdrawal submit to withdraw from all courses for a semester
- Title and Abstract page for ETD
- Other Graduate School forms not listed above
- Blacksburg information
- Career and Professional Development
- College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Commencement deadlines
- Cook Counseling Center
- Electronic Signature System
- Financial Aid
- Food resources for students who may be experiencing food insecurity.
- 209 Marketplace
- New River Community Action
- Montgomery County Emergency Assistance Program
- Food Access for Students (Virginia Tech Organization) (email)
- Funding
- Graduate Catalog
- Graduate Honor System
- Graduate School
- Graduate School visits
- Graduate and Professional School Senate
- HokieSpa
- Immigration services
- Inclusive VT
- International Community
- International Graduate Student Information
- Library Resources for Graduate Students
- Office of the Ombudsperson
- Timetable of classes
- University Bursar
- University Registrar
- VT Alerts
- Virginia Tech campus tours
Bio ItemRodney Gaines, MS, PhD, ACSM EP-C, NSCA CSCS , bio
Collegiate Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director: Body composition; obesity; and health/wellness
Bio ItemCurtis Cox , bio
Graduate Program Coordinator and Curriculum Administrator
General Item