Meredith Ledlie Johnson, MSW
Policy, Systems and Environmental Change Programming Coordinator
- Focus area(s): Food security, nutrition security, community partnerships

330 Wallace
M.S.W., Community Organizing, Hunter College, City University of New York, 2009
2017 — present: Policy, Systems and Environmental Change Programming Coordinator, Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Family Nutrition Program
2012 — October 2017: Food Access and Availability Initiative Coordinator, Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Family Nutrition Program
2010 — 2011: Outreach Coordinator, New Yorkers for Parks
2009: Farmers Market Manager, Greenmarket at NYC
- 2022 — District Winner, Program Reporting
- Lead the team developing all food policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) change initiatives within FNP’s program across Virginia.
- Provide coaching and technical assistance to the SNAP-Ed Agents implementing PSE changes within their communities across the state.
- Collaborate statewide with food access organizations resulting in shared program marketing and trainings.
- Manage the FNP summer intern program that hires and trains interns and places them in communities across the state.
- Developed, tested and led an online professional development course for farmers market managers that has over 150 graduates from across the country.
Reviewed Journals
- Young, G. C., Misyak, S., Ledlie Johnson, M., Martin, N. E., & Serrano, E. (2023). Assessing the SNAP Consumer Environment at Farmers Markets. The Journal of Extension, 61(1), Article 20.
- Misyak, S.A., Parker, M.K., Ledlie Johnson, M., Hedges, S., Borst, E., McNamara Best, M., & Hedrick, V.E. (2022). "A Preliminary Evaluation of Virginia Fresh Match: Impacts and Demographic Considerations for Future Fruit and Vegetable Incentive Programs" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (7): 4367.
Oral Presentations
- Ledlie Johnson, M., Zurfluh, T., Smith, R., LaRose, A. Centering Lived Experience. Oral Presentation. Virginia Nutrition Security and Health Summit. Richmond, VA. April 19, 2022.
- Serrano, E., Ledlie Johnson, M., Beck, C., Young, G. The Virginia Family Nutrition Program’s Programmatic Response to COVID-19. Virtual Presentation. American Public Health Association Food & Nutrition Section Awards and Covid-19 Response Presentation. October 25, 2020.
- Ledlie Johnson, M., Serrano, E. Shop Smart, Eat Smart: Using Data Driven Strategies to Inform a SNAP-Ed Health Food Retail Initiative. Oral Presentation. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Annual Conference. Orlando, FL, July 30, 2019.
- Ledlie Johnson, M., Best, M., Borst., E. Plenary: Virginia Fresh Match. Oral Presentation. Weight of the State Annual Conference. Richmond, VA, May 6, 2019.