Ruby Cox
- Extension Specialist
Ruby Cox spent sixteen years working for the department and has fond memories of all the Cooperative Extension faculty and staff and the on-campus faculty and staff with whom she worked.
"Virginia Tech is a wonderful university, and I feel it was a blessing and privilege to have been a faculty member there and to have been associated with Virginia Cooperative Extension," Cox said.
Before coming to Virginia Tech, Ruby Cox worked for North Carolina State University Extension, the North Carolina Department of Public Health, Clemson University, and Wake Forest School of Medicine.
Community Nutrition Education and Evaluation
Nutrition for Limited Resource Families
Acquired and/or assisted in acquiring a total of $17,785,194 in funds for research and program implementation during 16 years at Virginia Tech
Served as chair or member of 12 HNFE graduate student committees
Wrote numerous Extension publications that included handouts and teaching guides
Conducted training for Extension field faculty and staff over a 16 year period
Worked with other faculty to develop and conduct a cost-benefit study of EFNEP that was recognized and used in Extension across the nation
State Coordinator of the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and the Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program (FSNEP)
Member of the National Committee on EFNEP Computerized Reporting System
Member of University Senate
Member of HNFE Tenure Committee
2006: Professor Emerita of HNFE
2006: Epsilon Sigma Phi State Team Award
2005-2006: HNFE Career Excellence in Extension
2003: CHRE Excellence in Outreach
2001: State Distinguished Service Award in Extension
1999: American Evaluation Association Excellence in Program Evaluation

1985, Ph.D., Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
1968, M.S., Foods and Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
1967, B.S., Home Economics Education, University of North Carolina at Greensboro