William Herbert
Bill Herbert, who retired in 2008, worked for Virginia Tech for 37 years, 23 with the former Division of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; and 14 with HNFE.
After retirement, he continued as science web-content editor for the American College of Sports Medicine and also collaborated with Virginia Tech Transportation Institute faculty on research projects aimed at determining how chronic disease risks, including physical inactivity, influence motor vehicle crash risks.
Back in 1971, Herbert developed the first exercise physiology laboratory and worked with other faculty to establish the exercise science curricula in the Division of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Early in his career, he helped develop the Cardiac Therapy & Intervention Center (CTIC). For more than 20 years, the CTIC brought cardiac rehabilitation and health/fitness services to hundreds of patients throughout the New River Valley and valuable practicum training for students interested in pursuing healthcare careers. He devoted time and energy to research and student mentoring, even after spending 37 years with Virginia Tech.
Three of his granddaughters, Patricia, Katie, and Maggie Herbert, are HNFE alumni.
Stay in touch with Dr. Herbert via email.
Back in 1971, Dr. Herbert developed the first exercise physiology laboratory and worked with other faculty to establish the exercise science curricula in HPER. Early in his career, he helped develop the Cardiac Therapy & Intervention Center. For more than 20 years, the CTIC brought cardiac rehabilitation and health/fitness services to hundreds of patients throughout the New River Valley and valuable practicum training for students interested in pursuing healthcare careers.
Cardiovascular and metabolic aspects of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and roles of physical activity and weight management in reducing health risks of this disorder.
Effects of physical activity on bone health and prevention of osteoporosis.
Research contributions:
Developed the first exercise physiology laboratory on campus in 1971.
Worked with other faculty to establish the exercise science curricula in HPER.
Chaired the ACSM group that developed the Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist credential.
As one of the founders, contributed to the establishment of the AACVPR and the writing teams that developed the first national practice standards for cardiac rehabilitation personnel and program services.
Over 140 articles, book chapter, and books; 53 works cited in Pub Med Publications
Selected publications:
Rationale, design and clinical performance of the mechanical response tissue analyser: a non-invasive technology for measurement of long bone bending stiffness. Miller LE, Ramp WK, Steele CR, Nickols-Richardson SM, Herbert WG. J Med Eng Technol. 2013 Feb;37(2):144-9.
Association of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity with Exercise Capacity and Health-related Quality of Life. Butner KL, Hargens TA, Kaleth AS, Miller LE, Zedalis D, Herbert WG. N Am J Med Sci. 2013 Jun;5(6):362-6.
Fat and muscle indices assessed by pQCT: relationships with physical activity and type 2 diabetes risk. Butner KL, Creamer KW, Nickols-Richardson SM, Clark SF, Ramp WK, Herbert WG. J Clin Densitom. 2012 Jul-Sep;15(3):355-61.
Insulin resistance and adipose-derived hormones in young men with untreated obstructive sleep apnea. Hargens TA, Guill SG, Kaleth AS, Nickols-Richardson SM, Miller LE, Zedalis D, Gregg JM, Gwazdauskas F, Herbert WG. Sleep Breath. 2013 Mar;17(1):403-9.
Reproductibility of cardiac monitoring in men using impedance cardiography during Müeller maneuver. Aron A, Zedalis D, Herbert WG. Pneumologia. 2011 Oct-Dec;60(4):213-5. PMID: 22420171
Early evidence of increased risk for metabolic syndrome in young men with latent obstructive sleep apnea. Guill S, Hargens T, Nickols-Richardson S, Bassaganya-Riera J, Miller L, Zedalis D, Gregg J, Gwazdauskas F. Metabolic syndrome and related disorders. 2010 Feb;8(1):33-8.
A review of weight loss following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass vs restrictive bariatric surgery: impact on adiponectin and insulin. Butner KL, Nickols-Richardson SM, Clark SF, Ramp WK, Herbert WG. Obes Surg. 2010 May;20(5):559-68.
Isokinetic resistance training increases tibial bending stiffness in young women. Miller LE, Nickols-Richardson SM, Wootten DF, Ramp WK, Steele CR, Cotton JR, Carneal JP, Herbert WG. Calcif Tissue Int. 2009 Jun;84(6):446-52.
Altered ventilatory responses to exercise testing in young adult men with obstructive sleep apnea. Hargens TA, Guill SG, Aron A, Zedalis D, Gregg JM, Nickols-Richardson SM, Herbert WG. Respir Med. 2009 Jul;103(7):1063-9.
Potential clinical use of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome. Aron A, Zedalis D, Gregg JM, Gwazdauskas FC, Herbert WG. Int J Cardiol. 2009 Feb 20;132(2):176-86.
HNFE 3874 Clinical Exercise Physiology
HNFE 4004 Seminar
HNFE 5754 Internship in HFN
HNFE 5764 Externship in HFN
HNFE 5824 Cardio Respiration Exercise
HNFE 5854 Prev Therap. Exercise
HNFE 5844 Exercise Test Prescription
Numerous appointed and elected positions with:
American College of Sports Medicine ( 25 years)
American Association for Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation (12 years).

1989, Visiting Researcher, Exercise Cardiology Research, Department of Medicine VAMC - Long Beach and the University of California-Irvine
1971, Ph.D., Applied Physiology, Kent State University
1969, M.S., Exercise Physiology, Kent State University
1967, B.S., Biology & Physical Science, Kent State University