Exercise, Nutrition & Physical Performance

This research area is dedicated to assessing the impact of exercise and nutrition on physical performance in both healthy individuals and those with chronic diseases. Researchers investigate how these factors can optimize and enhance physical capabilities, shedding light on strategies to improve overall health and well-being.
Areas of Interest
- Exercise and nutrient metabolism
- Exercise science and physiology
- Genetics of exercise and body weight
- Sports nutrition
- Sports science and medicine
Bio ItemBrenda M. Davy, PhD, RDN , bio
Professor: Obesity and body weight regulation; behavioral and metabolic aspects; diet and cardiovascular diseases; dietary intake assessment; water and beverage intake and health
Bio ItemKevin P. Davy, PhD , bio
Professor: Etiology, prevention, and treatment of cardiometabolic dysfunction in aging and obesity
Bio ItemJoshua C. Drake, PhD , bio
Assistant Professor: How molecular mechanisms responsible for monitoring cellular energetics change with age and their relationship to the development of age-related disease
Bio ItemDeborah J. Good, PhD , bio
Associate Professor: Molecular regulation of body weight, exercise, fertility, and puberty; prader-willi syndrome; phylogenetic analysis; nutraceutical functional foods; Pedagogy research
Bio ItemSamantha Harden, PhD, 500 RYT , bio
Associate Professor: Yoga as an affordable, accessible public health practice; dissemination and implementation science; group dynamics for long-term health behaviors
Bio ItemYoung H. Ju, PhD , bio
Associate Professor: Effects of functional food and supplements on chronic disease; effects of integrative health on health
Bio ItemEnette Larson-Meyer, PhD, RD, CSSD, FACSM , bio
Professor, Director of the Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (MSND) Program, and Director of the Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism (NEM) Lab: How nutrition and exercise influence health and physical performance; special interest in energy, vitamin D and iodine metabolism
Bio ItemSumita Mishra, PhD , bio
Assistant Professor: Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; Interorgan cross-talk, Cardiometabolic links; focuses on mitochondrial, cGMP-protein kinase G signaling
Bio ItemStella L. Volpe, PhD, RDN, ACSM-CEP, FACSM , bio
Department Head and Professor: Nutrition and exercise in the prevention of obesity and diabetes; sports nutrition
Bio ItemJay Williams, PhD , bio
Professor: Muscle physiology and biochemistry; human performance; athlete monitoring; sports science
Bio ItemZhen Yan, PhD , bio
Professor: Exploring the role of exercise in preventing cardiovascular, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer