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The Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics program offers two pathways to become a graduate trained RDN:

  • Track One: for direct entry students who have earned a baccalaureate degree (with or without a DPD verification statement) and have met program-specific prerequisite courses (17 months).
  • Track Two: for current Virginia Tech HNFE Nutrition and Dietetics major students to apply for an accelerated B.S./M.S. pathway (22 months starting fall semester of senior year).

Have (or will have) earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university before the program starts.

Maintain an undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher for the equivalent of the last two years of undergraduate study.

ServSafe Manager training and certification - can be taken after program admission. The leadership team will send out information on this process after program acceptance.

Successfully complete specified prerequisite courses (or Virginia Tech equivalent) or on track to attain a DPD verification statement: 

  • Introduction to Nutrition
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Statistics
  • General Chemistry (two semesters)
  • General Chemistry Lab (two semesters)
  • Organic Chemistry+
  • Biochemistry+
  • Microbiology
  • Microbiology Lab (1-2 credits)
  • Anatomy and Physiology (two semesters)*
  • Nutrition Across the Lifespan* (2-3 credits)
  • Health Counseling**
  • Food Selection and Preparation Lab***
  • Metabolic Nutrition (Advanced Nutrition, Nutritional Biochemistry or equivalent; two semesters; 4-6 credits)**


+ Combined Organic Chemistry - Biochemistry classes will be evaluated.
* Should be taken prior to Metabolic Nutrition I. The program will also accept one semester each of Anatomy, then Physiology, if taught separately, for a total of 6-8 credits.
** May be taken at Virginia Tech in the summer prior to August start date.
*** May be taken during the first semester of the program.

Recency of education: Basic science prerequisites should be taken within the past 10 years and dietetics specific courses within the past five years.

While there is no minimum grade required for prerequisites, competitive candidates should score a “B” or higher in these courses. 

Be a current Virginia Tech HNFE Nutrition and Dietetics major student with junior status and a minimum overall GPA of 3.4 at the time of application.

Submit a DARS report and a senior year Proposed Plan of Study signed by your academic advisor, outlined the required graduate-level coursework. 

For more information about applying to Virginia Tech's MSND program, please visit the Graduate School’s application information page