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Behavioral & Community Science

  • Bio Item
    Julia Basso, PhD, CYT , bio

    Assistant Professor: The effects of mind-body-movement practices on brain function and physiology; at the intersection of art and science

  • Bio Item
    Brenda M. Davy, PhD, RDN , bio

    Professor: Obesity and body weight regulation; behavioral and metabolic aspects; diet and cardiovascular diseases; dietary intake assessment; water and beverage intake and health

  • Bio Item
    Samantha Harden, PhD, 500 RYT , bio

    Associate Professor: Yoga as an affordable, accessible public health practice; dissemination and implementation science; group dynamics for long-term health behaviors

  • Bio Item
    Valisa E. Hedrick, PhD, RDN , bio

    Associate Professor and Director of the Dietary Assessment Laboratory: Dietary intake and health; dietary assessment methodology; non-nutritive sweeteners; evaluation of nutrition intervention programs

  • Bio Item
    Young H. Ju, PhD , bio

    Associate Professor: Effects of functional food and supplements on chronic disease; effects of integrative health on health

  • Bio Item
    Vivica I. Kraak, MS, PhD, RDN , bio

    Associate Professor: U.S. and global food and nutrition policy; public health; governance for sustainable diets and food systems; food and beverage marketing

  • Bio Item
    Sarah Misyak, PhD, MPH , bio

    Research Assistant Professor and Assistant Director and Program Manager for Research and Evaluation for the Virginia Cooperative Extension Family Nutrition Program (EFNEP and SNAP-Ed): Food Access; food and nutrition security; public health nutrition; program evaluation

  • Bio Item
    Carlin Rafie, PhD, MS, RD , bio

    Assistant Professor and Senior Extension Specialist: Community based participatory methods for evaluation of community health knowledge, resources, and needs; development, dissemination and implementation of lifestyle management programs

  • Bio Item
    Elena Serrano, MS, PhD , bio

    Professor, Extension Specialist, and Director of the Virginia Family Nutrition Program: Effectiveness of food and nutrition programs and initiatives to promote nutrition security; examination of contributors to food and nutrition security

  • Bio Item
    Jeff Stein, PhD , bio

    Assistant Professor: Type 2 diabetes management; obesity; health behavior; tobacco use; decision-making; behavioral economics