Human Integrative Physiology Laboratory
The Human Integrative Physiology Laboratory explores cardiovascular and metabolic effects of aging and obesity, aiming to design interventions to alleviate related consequences.

Our focus is to understand the cardiovascular and metabolic consequences of aging and obesity and designing and testing interventions, which may reverse or ameliorate age and / or obesity-related sequalae.
Laboratory Equipment
Autonomic-Cardiovascular Laboratory
- Braden Radiofrequency shielded room
- GE Logic P10 High Resolution Ultrasound w/ 9L-RS Linear Array Probe and M5Sc-RS XDclear* Matrix Phased Array Probe
- Ivy Biomedical Cardiac trigger monitor
- ADInstruments NIBP Nano system
- ADInstruments NeuroAmp
- ADInstruments PowerLab and Lab Chart
- University of Iowa Bioengineering Nerve Traffic Analyzer model 662c-3
- Grass Instruments Stimulator and Stimulus Isolation Unit
- Grass Instruments Pressure Transducers and Preamplifiers
- NIHems Noninvasive Hemodynamic Workstation
- Millar SPT-301 Non-Invasive Pulse Wave Tonometers
- GE Mac 5500 Interpretative ECG
- Medical Imaging Applications Vascular Research Tools 6
- Omron 907XL Blood Pressure Monitors
- Custom Lower Body Negative Pressure Unit
- Tilt Table
Body Composition Laboratory
- GE Lunar Prodigy Advance Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometer
- Inbody 770 Body Composition Analyzer
Exercise and Metabolism Laboratories
Performing exercise testing and metabolism studies (resting energy expenditure, oral glucose tolerance testing, intravenous glucose tolerance testing, skeletal muscle biopsies, high fat meal challenges)
- Cosmed T170 Treadmill
- Lode Xcaliber Sport Cycle Ergometer
- Parvomedics TrueOne 2400 Metabolic Carts
- Biodex Isokinetic Dynamometer
- ActiGraph GT3x physical activity monitors
Biochemistry Laboratory
Blood, urine, stool, and muscle/adipose tissue storage and analyses
- Eppendorf refrigerated centrifuge
- Tuttanauer 2840ELP autoclave
- Advanced Instruments Osmo1 single sample micro-osmometer
- HemCue Glucose Analyzers
- Upright refrigerators/freezers
- Thermo Scientific -80 freezers with liquid CO2 control • Scotsman icemaker
Nutrition and Physical Activity Assessment
- Nutrient Data Systems for Research software for dietary intake analysis
- ActiLife software for physical activity assessment using ActiGraph GT3x monitors
Locker room, shower, and restroom dedicated for research participants
Principal Investigator
Bio ItemKevin P. Davy, PhD , bio
Professor: Etiology, prevention, and treatment of cardiometabolic dysfunction in aging and obesity
Clinical Research Coordinator
Bio ItemElaina Marinik, PhD, ACSM-PT, CBDT , bio
Clinical Research Coordinator: Nutrition and exercise interventions examining weight control, diabetes risk, and cardiovascular outcomes