Muscle Group
The Muscle Group at Virginia Tech, comprising faculty from HNFE, Animal and Poultry Sciences, and the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC, is committed to advancing research on muscle disease and function.

HNFE Investigators
Bio ItemRobert W. Grange, MS, PhD , bio
Professor, Assistant Department Head, and Director of the Virginia Tech Metabolism Core: Role of exercise in the treatment of neuromuscular disease
Animal and Poultry Sciences Investigators
Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC Investigators
Home ItemJohn C. Chappell, Ph.D. , home
Associate Professor, Director, Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health graduate program
Home ItemSteven Poelzing, Ph.D. , home
Professor, Associate Director, Fralin Biomedical Research Institute Faculty Affairs
Home ItemRobert Gourdie, Ph.D., FAHA, AIMBE , home
Professor and Director, Center for Vascular and Heart Research
Home ItemJames Smyth, Ph.D. , home
Associate Professor