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Najt Lab

The Najt Lab delves into lipid metabolism, investigating its role in human diseases like NAFLD, hepatic insulin resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes, exploring their impact on healthspan and lifespan.

The Najt Lab written on a powerpoint slide with the N spelled out with double helix structures in yellow, blue, green, and red.

The Najt Lab's long-term research interests involve the comprehensive understanding of lipid metabolism, with an emphasis on how alterations in the genes and metabolites in this network contribute to human diseases such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), hepatic insulin resistance, and Type 2-Diabetes and how these diseases impact healthspan - lifespan in the absence of disease.

Principal Investigator

  • Bio Item
    Charles Najt, PhD , bio

    Assistant Professor: Lipid metabolism with a focus on the relationship between lipid metabolism and disease development and how these diseases impact healthspan

The Najt Lab's long-term research interests involve the comprehensive understanding of lipid metabolism, with an emphasis on how alterations in the genes and metabolites in this network contribute to human diseases such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), hepatic insulin resistance, and Type 2-Diabetes and how these diseases impact healthspan - lifespan in the absence of disease.